Sunday, March 11, 2007

Mair Doric Tales

Weel weel, nae a lot his happened since the drivel a wrote the last time. Obviously am at a loose end agin afore am pourin ma hert oot here.
News fae hame, next doors dowg is pregnant.............but they divnae ken fa the faither is, a disaster richt enough. Ken fine fit things are like we payin maintenance and the like these days. Chum is nae cheap.
Anither story fae along the coast a wiz hearin.
Jeannie wiz trevelin doon Herbor Street fan she bumped intae Netty Ross
Says Jeannie " fits this am hearin your Janice his hid a bairn?"
" Yiv herd richt enough" replies Netty.
"Of fit fine, fit did she hay, a loon or a quine?"
" A loon, ten pun, near broke the scales"
"Och that's gran, and fit are they gan tae cry him?"


" Surely tae god they're gan tae ca him somethin!"

Cheerio aye noo


ellie said...

Hi Naithin
Love the blog can't wait to read more

Naithin said...

Thanks Ellie, your kinds words are very much appreciated.
Any "subject" you'd like me to touch on?